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Year round mare care image

We all know the commitment required to manage a mare and her offspring. You need a partner that can help guide you through your breeding decisions, with knowledge of the industry and the experience needed to market your foals. Solo Select is that partner. 

Benefits of Year-Round Mare Management

Mares Eligible for Select Genes Program

Year-round mares at Solo Select are exclusively eligible to participate in our Select Genes program. This program allows you to potentially cash-flow your mares throughout the year, with NO out of money investment from you. Learn more about this ground-breaking program here


Specialized, Custom Care Based on Your Mare's Needs 

Our broodmares are closely monitored year-round to evaluate their needs. We have stalls with show-horse care, private pasture and large pastures available to make sure your mare is in the setting that keeps her happy, comfortable and safe. Mares with special needs are our forte. We have the experienced and dedicated staff you need to make sure she has the highest level of care.

Our Team Handles Everything from A to Z

Tired of finding hay, fixing facilities, hauling back and forth to the vet, sending contracts, nominating to incentives, communicating with ICSI labs, registering foals, getting permits, nominating mares/babies -- and all the other hassle that comes with breeding mares? We take the burden off of you. Our skilled office team will act as your agent throughout the breeding processes - handling all of your contracts, communication with stallions stations, and more - while our professional team in the barns gives your mares and babies the exceptional care you expect. 

Private Consulting 

Year-round mare owners receive private consulting appointments with both Melanie Smith & Ty Smith. Melanie & Ty bring years of knowledge, expertise and invaluable experience. They are consistently immersed in the breeding business to give you up to date market trends that help you make informed breeding decisions. They assist with all decisions of the business, from purchasing mares, selling offspring or helping place them with the right trainers. Access to their information has been a game changer for many of our mare owners, helping them achieve their goals faster and more effectively. 

Access to The Select Online Sale

The Select Online Sale is the second-largest horse sale in the Western performance horse industry. They have consistently broken records and raised the standard for both in-person and online horse sales in the country. All broodmares, foals born at Solo Select and embryos conceived at Solo Select are eligible to sell in the Online Sale.

Inquire about Mare Care

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