WHITESBORO, TEXAS -- Woody Be Tuff had a huge year in a multitude of disciplines in 2023 - and he topped it all off by siring the high selling yearling of the Select Online Christmas Eve Sale.
Scott Wagner of Cedar Hills, Utah bred and consigned the 2022 colt out of Hot Shiney Lights, the winner of $30,706 in the reined cow horse. Hot Shiney Lights is by CD Lights out of Shiners Hot Flash, a Shining Spark daughter that won $14,611 and produced several NRCHA earners including Mini Hot Flashes, the earner of $57,800.

“This colt had the class, eye appeal and talent we see so consistently with the Woody Be Tuffs,” Melanie said. “The maternal pedigree was excellent on this colt as well. We will see him in the winner’s circle.”
Woody Be Tuff has had another record setting year, where he currently sits as the #2 sire of team roping horses, #3 sire of reined cow horses and #13 sire of cutting horses. "Woody continues to prove what we already know - he is the most versatile outcross in the industry," said Melanie. "People love that about this horse - when you breed to him, you have such a diverse market for the colts. Cutters, cow horse trainers and ropers all want them. They have the size, the mind, and the ability to do those events at the very top level. It's such a rare thing for a stallion to have that kind of reach - we feel very privileged to own and promote Woody along side Kaleb Terlip."

Woody Be Tuff, owned by Solo Select and Terlip, will stand at Lazy E Ranch for the 2024 breeding season. For contracts, visit the Lazy E Ranch website here.
"We will continue to offer an array of options to Woody breeders," said Melanie. "We had a huge response to the "hybrid" contracts on him in 2023. This option allows breeders to bring mares on-site to Lazy E or Solo Select, and not pay a breeding fee unless the mare checked in foal. Our breeders loved this option last year - I think I speak for everyone in our industry when I say we are all tired of having rebreeds. Woodys semen is looking better than it ever has right now, and we are looking forward to another big breeding season in 2024."